Description: Join us for a unique webinar where we focus on integrating comprehensive safety measures into daily operations. This session will discuss practical strategies and best practices to enhance the safety of municipal workers, residents, and public spaces.
Topics include:
- Understanding the importance of safety in municipal operations.
- Overview of common safety challenges faced by municipalities.
- Strategies for fostering a safety-first mindset within municipal teams.
- Effective communication and training programs.
- Engaging leadership and staff in proactive safety initiatives.
- Implementing risk management strategies and preventive measures.
Target Audience: This webinar is geared towards organizational leadership so please forward the registration link to others in your organization that may benefit from attendance.
Certificates: A certificate of attendance is provided automatically by the Go-To-Webinar platform only if you watch the live broadcast after logging in with your name and your email. If you watch the webinar as a group, or if you watch a replay, you will not receive a certificate. For group training simply document the completion of the training on a training roster or safety meeting summary form.
Webinar: Incorporating Safety Into Municipal Operations
Date/Time: January 9, 2025 (2-3pm EST)
Presenter: Trevor Reschny, CSP
Registration Link: