FMIT Safety Webinar: Building Resilience: Effective After Storm Response Strategies for Municipalities

  • Dates: 09 – 09 May, 2024
  • Address: WEBINAR
  • Contact: Anita Wick
  • Email:
  • Phone: 407.367.1734

FMIT Safety Webinar - Building Resilience: Effective After Storm Response Strategies for Municipalities

Registration Link


In the face of increasingly severe weather events, municipalities must be prepared to respond swiftly and effectively to minimize damage and protect their communities. This webinar is designed to equip municipal leaders, emergency managers, and staff with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance their post-storm response capabilities.

Topics Include:

  • Understanding the Impact of Severe Weather Events: Gain insights into the escalating impact of severe weather events, including hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and extreme storms, on communities and infrastructures.
  • Preparedness and Planning: Learn how to develop robust emergency response plans tailored to your municipality's unique characteristics and vulnerabilities. Explore best practices for building a proactive, multi-agency collaboration to handle post-storm challenges effectively.
  • Swift Damage Assessment Techniques: Discover rapid assessment techniques to evaluate the extent of damage to infrastructure and facilities. Understand the importance of real-time data collection and geospatial tools for prioritizing response efforts.
  • Ensuring Public Safety and Evacuation Protocols: Examine strategies to protect citizens' safety during and after severe weather events, including effective evacuation protocols, shelters management, and essential communication methods.
  • Utility Restoration and Resilience: Gain insights into expedited utility restoration, including power, water, and telecommunication services. Learn how to foster resilient infrastructure and communication systems to withstand future weather-related challenges.
  • Community Engagement and Support:  Explore effective ways to engage and support affected communities during the recovery process. Learn how to manage resources efficiently and coordinate with local organizations, volunteers, and businesses to ensure a united response.


We DO NOT provide certificates for any webinars. If your department is using this webinar as department training, simply document the completion of the training on a training roster or meeting summary form.

Target Audience

This webinar has been developed for all employees and if the topic is applicable to your operations, can be used for your monthly department training.

Date/Time: May 9, 2024 (10-11am)

Presenter:  Trevor Reschny, CSP

Recorded Webinars:  Once complete, this webinar, plus many more previously recorded webinars can be viewed at no cost at

Registration Link

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